9-Me-BC (9-Methyl-β-carboline) (2024)

9-Me-BC (9-Methyl-β-carboline) also known as 9-MBC is a novel nootropic compound from the β-carboline group.


  • 1 Medication interactions
  • 2 Side Effects / Contraindications
  • 3 Mechanisms of Action
  • 4 Where to Buy
  • 5 Observational Studies
  • 6 Experiences
  • 7 Administration
    • 7.1 Sublingual
    • 7.2 Intranasal
    • 7.3 Capsule
  • 8 Sources

Medication interactions

  • This is a very novel compound and should be discussed with your healthcare professional before trialing.

Side Effects / Contraindications

Mechanisms of Action

  1. Prevents Breakdown - It raises the level of dopamine in the brain by preventing the breakdown of dopamine, unlike other stimulants like caffeine, which reduce dopamine due to excessive release and utilization.
  2. Protects Neurons - 9-Me-BC stimulates dopamine activity and differentiates as well as protects the neurons, dendrites, and synapses in the brain. This is why it's able to enhance learning, memory, and cognitive function
  3. Increases Synthesis - It influences the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and its transcription elements while interacting with the tyrosine kinases. The tyrosine kinases play a role in converting L-tyrosine to L-Dopa, responsible for the synthesis of dopamine.
  4. Prevents Neurotoxicity - 9-Me-BC inhibits the monoamine oxidase A and B (MAOA and MAOB) thus preventing the production of neurotoxic compounds such as DOPAC from dopamine metabolization. These substances cause the death of the dopaminergic neurons.
  5. Energy Generation - 9-Me-BC enhances the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It accomplishes this by either increasing or protecting the NADH dehydrogenase, which is used in the electron transfer process for energy generation.
  6. Nerve Growth - 9-Me-BC can also increase neurotrophic factors such as nerve growth factor(NGF), SHH (Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Molecule), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that enhances cognitive function, focus as well as motivation.
  7. Anti-inflammatory - 9-me-BC happens to fight chronic inflammation in the brain by reducing inflammatory cytokines, which are known to cause microglial accumulation that in turn disrupts cognitive function.

Where to Buy



Observational Studies


Here are some consumer reviews we can use for reference on its effects.

'Definitely feel more focus and concentration. It feels like my brain is performing at near peak performance. There's not really a high or euphoria (maybe 40%) but there's a definite impact on cognition and mental sharpness. Excellent stuff and like it much more than amphetamines. No highs no lows. Just clear.'

From AnyVisual

- https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/cfozyy/9_methyl_beta_carboline_research/

'It has provided me with a significant boost in motivation. I am a lot more interested in my work and life in general. However, I have not been able to experience an increase in cognition, which is described in the literature. I might be able to remember stuff slightly easier, but it is just really hard to quantify.'

From BubbleBuddy32

- https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/cfozyy/9_methyl_beta_carboline_research/

So I decided to buy some 9 Methyl Beta Carboline and I have been extremely impressed so far so I figured I would write up a little bit of a log to detail the results.

One the first day I was pretty hesitant to give this substance a full go so I put two tiny little grains onto the end of a knife and tasted them. I did get an affect. For disclosure purposes I have to bring up a 100 mg dose of Bromantane taken an hour before. I have experience with Bromantane and have went through many grams of it. I noted extra effect from the tiny grains of 9MBC. I was getting tiny pleasure shivers down my back, around the head, and when I tried a couple of hits of marijuana it gave me some really cool waves of pleasure that 3 hits of vaped flower has never caused. I remarked several times to a coworker that I discussed the 9MBC with that it was making me feel FANTASTIC.

Second day - I decided to match the dose of a branded pill form of 9MBC and increase dose to 15mg. This was a bad idea for me, personally. I felt 15mg was too strong and the sort of ups and downs that I had were too abrupt. Overall I felt a lot of the awesome pleasurable effects of the 9MBC, but I didn't like the sort of volatility in mood that such a high dose seemed to bring on. Speaking of the pleasurable aspects of this drug, it should be noted that this pleasure feels very natural. It isn't like speed or stimulants or pain meds etc. I guess a good description would be that it really feels sort of cathartic like a return to something you have lost, but in this analogy, the place you have returned to is over dramatically better than it was the last time you went to it. Rather than feeling as if I felt something "new" and "buzzy" I felt very natural pleasurable feelings that in many ways seemed like a rediscovery but somehow the intensity made this rediscovered place more pronounced than the typical visit.

Day 3 - 5mg morning dose after an energy drink. The energy drink by itself had notably different effect. I hadn't done anything else and about half way into the drink I felt this real intense chest warmth electricity from it. I decided to do 75mg dose of Bromantane around an hour after the 5mg dose of 9MBC...and it was fantastic. I determined a couple of hours into the 9MBC dose that I could give some NAC a shot for some added cofactor effect. The NAC opened a new door. I felt a huge sense of relief from some hidden anxieties... suddenly I ascended out of my body and roamed the atmosphere free of my previous form. JK, but I really did feel a huge improvement to the entire experience. I felt like "this!" was what I was hoping for at some points from 9MBC and hadn't gotten it. I don't normally feel anxiety, but as I approached the 9MBC as a substance it caused some anxieties in me... I was unsure on dosing, and I wasn't entirely sure if the source was legit. I was un sure of the effects to look for. I didn't know how much I would "feel" versus "notice" after a long period of taking it. I admit that I was cautious and that I was so for a reason... I was operating on intuition with a risky substance and I wasn't verifying everything that I could or should have... rather I was taking mitigated risks and paying close attention along the way. When I dosed the NAC it was as if I had felt the rope that I was supposed to follow in the blizzard. I knew when I took the NAC that I had ingested a very awesome cofactor and that the substance it was a cofactor to had to be legit as well. I ended up dosing more NAC at night with 150 mg of Phenibut to calm down for the evening.

Day 4. I am up and at 'em for the day and have taken 5 mg 9MBC, drank an energy drink, sublingually dosed 20mp noopept, 20 mg 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone, and 20mg triacetyluridine, 1000mg NAC. My mind is clear as a bell. I dont really even feel stimulated. I consistently feel that this is just a better version of normal.

Overall thoughts and conclusions. I don't have plans to take this substance for extended periods of time. I want to spend a week or 2 repairing dopamine neurons, the hippo-campus, and so on here and there. I consider it maintenance. I drank heavily for years and dabbled in drugs but never really got "hooked" or developed extremely bad habits. I have been a habitual pot smoker off and on , as well, and as such I have suffered from dopamine issues. I really feel renewed. This is actually amazing. I am pretty blown away that I went from fearing I was going to be ingesting neuro-toxins or something dangerous and irreversible to feeling more alert and better than I have in a while. I was so depressed a few weeks ago that I found myself crying because I saw a handicapped person at the store, and while my heart goes out to people that struggle with disabilities... I shouldn't be at the mercy of such a volatile emotional spectrum. This stuff has seriously made a turn around in my world.

EDIT: Day 4 update - So I went and got some things done for the day and I thought about a post where a dose range of 20 to 40 mg was noted. I ended up feeling as though the 5mg morning dose was running out and that I would like to try a bit higher, so I went for 8mg re-up. This was fine enough but after experiencing it I considered if my 15mg dose was unsatisfactory over some referential aspect of that particular experience... so I decided to further test higher doses and went with another 12mg a few hours later. This totally isn't needed and I have firmly figured out there is no real reason for me to go higher with my present brain chemistry. Its just too heavy. I feel the MAO Inhibition happens at much smaller doses. Tomorrow I will be giving the 9 MBC a shot with far less other substances and at a much lower dose. I have realized that a lot of the chasing I have done has been compulsive and pathological. 9 MBC might be very sustainable at very low micro dosing. I am interested Bromantane, Noopept, Selank, and Semax therapies for BDNF activation and more permanent hacks. These substances are all pretty safe and don't seem to be habit forming.

From Volcanyx

- https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/cfozyy/9_methyl_beta_carboline_research/

The greatest benefit for me is a very strong anti-depressant effect. It gives me a gentle boost to go out and be productive instead of spending most of my free time laying in bed, surfing the web on my laptop. I always had problems with overindulgences, but for now it seems my impulses are under control. From the time I started this experiment 3 weeks ago I've been successfully abstaining from all drugs, alcohol and even fapping (for reference I drank all the 30 days leading up to this experiment and on several times used MJ, stims, and MDMA). I've taken these breaks before but I always fall back to old habits within 10 days. There are other improvements as well, but I see no point in listing them all here. I'd just say that my life quality has gone up tremendously ever since I started taking this substance.

What's incredible about it is that it started to have effect from the very first dose and it hasn't diminished in the 3 weeks I've been taking it. With the help of some other nootropic/supplement I've made similar changes to my life on numerous occasions. Even though I might've had good results at the beginning I always burn out by the 10th day and by the end of 2 weeks I'm back to square one, if not worse. (Possible dopamine depletion??) This doesn't seem to be the case with this substance..

There seems to be a slight nootropic effect to it as well. My brain just seems to be working better these days. Though take this claim with a grain of salt as I'm currently experiencing mild PAWS and perhaps it's a sign that time has done its job and my faculties are slowly returning to normal.

I experience no side effects to this substance except a pressure feeling in my forehead when I first started taking it. That feeling subsided in 2-3 days and has not returned. In fact there are no noticeable physical or mental effects to this at all. It's like I haven't taken any thing and all these changes have come naturally, but given my previous experiences I know this not to be possible.

I just hope that long term dopamine upregulation will be able to offer some relief to the anhedonia I'm experiencing. I'm halfway through with my experiment and if it doesn't help me in this regard, I'm going to give NSI + Tianeptine a try. I hear people getting good result with this combo.

The powder is rust colored and tastes a bit sweet while burning a little.


All I know is that from the first dose of 9-mbc 3.5 months ago I've been completely sober. Considering that I've been (poly) drug abuser for nearly half of my life it's hard for me to believe I've actually gone that long without altering my consciousness. And it hasn't been too hard either. What is even more remarkable is that I've managed to do this while going through one of the most stressful periods of my life so far. All the original triggers that made me go on benzos 8 years ago have been firing full on for the past 2 weeks and remaining sober throughout all this is something that was completely unimaginable for me before.

Another very big change is how I manage my living space. I've always been a slob. Ever since a little kid I've struggled with keeping clean. It was very much bordering on pathological levels of messiness. I often felt disgusted with myself in that regard, but felt completely helpless to change. Ever since starting with 9-mbc my place is always relatively clean. I don't clean compulsively. I just keep a presentable level of tidiness, so if anyone happens to drop in unannounced I don't have any reason to feel embarrassed about the condition of my place.

Also I've completely revamped my eating habits, rapidly lost the extra 20kgs I was carrying with me for nearly a decade and so far have managed to keep it off without too much effort.

Another thing that deserves a mention is that I've completely given up watching p*rn. I also did a 2 complete months of no fap challenge. I was very much addicted to watching p*rn so this is not a small change either.

Maybe it was all placebo. In that case more power to me I guess. That's at least what I thought at first as well. But somehow it is very hard to believe given my track record with these things. I've tried to facilitate these kinds of changes before, but never have I been able to keep with them longer than 10 days. I would just burn out and usually fall even lower when I was to begin with. So this is what I was expecting with this experiment as well. But it never happened. Weeks went by, then one day I ran out of 9-mbc. I was so sure I would fall back into my old patterns. I made a conscious decision to do my best to keep the changes I had been able to make. I didn't expect to succeed. But somehow all the things had stuck with me and I didn't have to put any extra effort into remaining where I was. Now it has been nearly 2.5 months since that last dose and I've still managed to keep all these things. Every now and then when I have a more stressful day I may let myself go a bit, but it gets very quickly uncomfortable and I bounce right up again. Like I said before, it feels like I have a new baseline now.

There is no way to tell if it was placebo or not, but to me personally feels like 9-mbc fixed some underlying problem for me that was keeping my in this stupor. It's not that all my mental problems are solved now. I still have some very big issues that need to be tackled, but now that I'm not overburden by this basic behavioral stuff I feel more able to do it than I have ever before.


Then I tried 9-mbc. All I can say is Holy Crap! The benefits are so wide ranged and far sweeping I'm really not sure where to start. I have been taking it for about 2-3 weeks.

  1. 1) I now take 20mg of Adderall a day. And damn does it work well. I went from 50 to 20 in 1 week. and that was after I had to drive for 21 hours straight. Usually my tolerance skyrockets after all-nighters. I've never reduced my dose that drastically. I take 30mg 9-mbc along with my nsi-189(20-30mg) 2x/day. Memantine never came close to this kind of reduction in tolerance.
  2. 2) I noticed an immediate improvement of general coordination. I have always been clumsy to the extreme, probably due to my attention span. Suddenly I was able to multitask with my hands without thinking about it. By about day 3 my tremor disappeared. I have noticed much more 'body awareness' lately. When I close my eyes I no longer feel unstable. When I sing I can feel the vibration and can sense when I am on key(very rarely lol). I get tingles and goose bumps when I listen to music or see something cool. These things are all new to me. I am kind of shocked at the improvement
  3. 3) Mood. Damn man. I have been dismally anhedonic, depressed, anxious and exhausted for most of my adult life. Satiety... I suddenly felt full somehow, or satisfied. My craving for nicotine and other substances has faded to background noise. Now I don't feel 100% better just by taking this stuff. I can still have a really sh*tty day. But I do feel REAL potential for a wider range of emotion. I feel at times like I'm a teenager again and everything seems new or novel. I now have the option to feel like sh*t or focus on something positive instead. Before It didn't seem to matter...

I am pretty sure there is a strong synergy between the 9-mbc and the nsi-189. I skipped the NSI for a few days and it was possibly a bit less intense, but its hard to say for sure.

On a weird note, I tried giving the 9-mbc to my mom who has no problems with addiction and doesn't take stimulants. I thought it would make her feel great. For some reason she didn't seem to notice much aside from increased sweating. I gave her pretty high doses too(150mg a day for 3 days). But to be honest she never seems to notice supplements I give her. My brother who has a similar history as mine had a nearly identical response. We will both be taking this stuff for the foreseeable future, if finances allow.



Can cause insomnia if taken at night. - https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/9nq5mh/9mebc_inability_to_sleep_alongside_stims/


Typically, between 2 mg and 15 mg

I have taken 5-15mg 9-me-bc sublingual many times. I get the best result if I mix it with some Agmatine, so it isn't really damaging to your mouth. There is a mild discomfort, but it isn't nearly as bad as you make it sound. You need to make sure it stays under your tongue. https://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/70561-9-me-bc-regeneration-of-dopaminergic-neurons/page-12



Typically, between 2 mg and 15 mg


Keller S, Polanski WH, Enzensperger C, Reichmann H, Hermann A, Gille G. 9-Methyl-β-carboline inhibits monoamine oxidase activity and stimulates the expression of neurotrophic factors by astrocytes. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2020 Jul;127(7):999-1012. doi: 10.1007/s00702-020-02189-9. Epub 2020 Apr 13. PMID: 32285253.

Gruss M, Appenroth D, Flubacher A, Enzensperger C, Bock J, Fleck C, Gille G, Braun K. 9-Methyl-β-carboline-induced cognitive enhancement is associated with elevated hippocampal dopamine levels and dendritic and synaptic proliferation. J Neurochem. 2012 Jun;121(6):924-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2012.07713.x. PMID: 22380576.




9-Me-BC (9-Methyl-β-carboline) (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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