SCP-5438 - SCP Foundation (2024)

By: NDHeckfire
Published on 19 Dec 2023 02:40

  • rating:+23+x




    SCP-5438 - It's Never Too (Choco)Late

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Item#: SCP-5438


Containment Class:


Secondary Class:


Disruption Class:


Risk Class:


link to memo

Assigned SiteSite DirectorResearch HeadAssigned Task Force
Site-400Director Adam DesmondN/AN/A

Special Containment Procedures: With approval from Site-400's current Site Director, Agent Williams has been granted permission to continue his long-term employment with the Foundation. However, every February 14th, security officers manning the surveillance station are to be on high alert to determine SCP-5438's location of manifestation. Once found, they are to closely observe SCP-5438 up until its point of demanifestation.

Any deviation from its usual pattern is to be immediately reported to Site-400's administration.

Description: SCP-5438 is the designation given to an anomaly currently affecting Junior Agent Charles Williams, at the time a detective-in-training for Site-400's Anomaly Investigations Section.

SCP-5438 takes the form of a humanoid entity composed entirely of milk chocolate (a combination of cacao powder mixed with milk and sugar). SCP-5438 is approximately 170 centimeters in height, possesses a slender and feminine build, but seemingly lacks any sort of facial features. Despite its composition, it is still somehow capable of mobility similar to that of a baseline individual1.

Every year, on the 14th of February, SCP-5438 will manifest somewhere within Site-400, usually in concealed and often vacant locations, such as a janitorial closet, an unoccupied office, or a stall in the women's washroom. Manifested with it will be a flat red box containing different types of chocolate. Attached to said box is a handwritten note, whose contents vary (see Addendum 5438-2). Testing has shown that none of the aforementioned objects is anomalous in itself.

Carrying the box in its hands, SCP-5438 will proceed to make its way towards a specific location where it could hide it. These locations differ from time to time, but will most often be a hidden spot where only Agent Williams could possibly find the box. During its endeavour, SCP-5438 will continuously use unfrequented routes within Site-400 where it will not likely be seen by Agent Williams.

Once it has hidden the box, SCP-5438 will immediately demanifest.

Addendum 5438-1, Phenomenological Overview: It is believed that the SCP-5438 anomaly first manifested following Agent Williams' separation from his long-time partner of four years, which was reported to have occurred on February 13th, 2008. The next day, security officers would report the appearance of a "naked lady made out of chocolate" running out of the women's restroom and to the personnel office area, where it was seen placing a box in Agent Williams' cubicle before demanifesting.

Similar incidents would occur the following year, and the year after that. At this point, SCP-5438's annual pattern was discerned and it was eventually given a proper SCP classification.

Addendum 5438-2, List of Annual Manifestations:

YearBox LocationContents of NoteAdditional Annotations
2011In a personal storage locker belonging to Agent Williams.Heya, alligator. No luck with your Valentine's this year? That's alright. There's always next year so keep it up! Looking forward to your progress!N/A
2012Within Agent Williams' mailbox, which is located in the cluster box unit at Site-400's entrance lobby.Howdy hey! Glad to see you're making the effort! I'm sure you'll find your Valentine's next year! Here's some extra white chocolate (your favourite!) for your hard work!It's believed that the preceding note was referring to Agent Williams' recent willingness to participate in team-building activities organized by Site-400's administration.
2014Behind a potted plant outside of Agent Williams' personal quarters.A new year, a new you! No need to feel like you need to catch up though. Taking it slow is fine! How about getting some fresh air once in a while? Because how else would anyone get to see you handsome face!N/A
2015On a bench in Site-400's outdoor courtyard, where Agent Williams frequently spends his evening sitting alone.How's it going? I'm sorry to hear what happened. I know you won't do anything you'll regret, but please hear me out. Loving yourself is just as important as loving someone else. After all, tomorrow's a new day, isn't it? Enjoy the white chocolates.To provide context, Agent Williams was [INFORMATION REMOVED FOR PERSONNEL PRIVACY], causing him emotional distress, though he has summarily refused therapy due to personal reasons. Following the discovery of this note, Agent Williams' morale was noted to increase to some degree.
2016In front of Agent Williams' personal quarters.Happy to hear you're okay. It's my fault for pressuring you too much, and I'm sorry. There's some white chocolate, but I thought you'd be bored from the ones last year so I put in some rubies for you.Agent Williams requested a sick leave on this particular day, and went out of his way to catch up to SCP-5438. He did not succeed.
2017At the administration desk of the Anomaly Investigations Section.N/AAgent Williams once again requested a sick leave. He sought the aid of security officers manning the surveillance station, who complied, though he still failed in catching up with SCP-5438.

Addendum 5438-3, Video Log:

Video Transcription 5438/10

Date: 14/02/2018

<Begin Log>

Footage shows SCP-5438 walking alone in a desolate hallway in Site-400. In its hands is a flat red box, held tight to its chest. It looks around its surroundings, careful not to make noise, before starting to lightly jog towards its location.

As it does so, quick footsteps can be heard from a corner of the hallway behind SCP-5438. It curiously glances its head to look at the source of the noise, though it is still maintaining its jogging pace. The footsteps gradually get closer, as Agent Charles Williams emerges from the corner.

Agt. Williams: (out of breath) Oh. (chuckles) Hey.

SCP-5438 stops in its tracks, evidently dumbstruck. It accidentally drops the red box in its hand to the floor, causing it to open and scattering the chocolates previously contained within.

Agt. Williams: Aw no, that's… a shame.

SCP-5438 begins to panic, quickly kneeling down and frantically picking up the dropped chocolates one by one. Seeing this, Agent Williams approaches it closer.

Agt. Williams: Woah, it's okay. Seriously, don't force yourself.

SCP-5438 does not listen to Agent Williams, instead continuing to pick up the chocolates. Agent Williams decides to kneel down with it and proceeds to pick up a single stray piece of white chocolate with his hand. Without hesitation, he pops the chocolate piece into his mouth. Noticing this, SCP-5438 ceases what it's doing and stares at Agent Williams in surprise.

Agt. Williams: What? No such thing as the five-second rule, am I right?

Agent Williams grins as a light but faint chuckling sound emits from SCP-5438. It covers its mouth in embarrassment, which causes the chocolates it picked up to fall once again. It slowly stands up and seemingly brushes away dust from its body. Agent Williams does the same. SCP-5438 hugs itself, outwardly apprehensive, looking down to avoid Agent Williams' gaze.

Agt. Williams: I feel like you should know you helped me. A lot, if I'm really being honest.

SCP-5438 relaxes its shoulders slightly, though it is still averting itself from looking at Agent Williams. The latter offers a sincere smile.

Agt. Williams: I have something for you. I think you'll like it.

SCP-5438's head perks up, and it turns its head to look at Agent Williams with curiosity. Agent Williams then produces a small paper bag from his jacket, which he gladly hands to SCP-5438.

Agt. Williams: It ain't much though.

SCP-5438 timidly accepts the paper bag. It takes a look inside it, and a faint gasp is heard emitted from SCP-5438. From the bag, it takes out a decorated clear plastic wrapper neatly tied with a purple ribbon. The contents inside are various types of colourful sweets and candy, all of them seemingly homemade.

Agt. Williams: Consider it a late, or maybe too early, White Day gift.

SCP-5438 places a hand on its chest, and looks at Agent Williams thoughtfully. It then tilts its head and extends its arms for a hug, which Agent Williams willingly embraces.

Both of them remain in this position for several seconds, before letting go. Agent Williams smiles from ear to ear, while another light chuckling sound is emitted from SCP-5438.

SCP-5438: (faintly) Thank you.

Agt. Williams: No. Thank you.

<End Log>

Addendum 5438-4, Update: Following the above events, SCP-5438's usual annual pattern is altered. Instead of making its way towards a location to hide the box of chocolates, it will now directly find Agent Williams to give it to him personally. Both of them will then proceed to spend the rest of the day in each other's company up until SCP-5438's time of demanifestation, which now varies.

« SCP-5437 | SCP-5438 | SCP-5439 »



1. Prolonged observation have shown that the chocolate SCP-5438 comprises of is unaffected by heat, thus unmelting.

SCP-5438 - SCP Foundation (2024)


What does SCP ● ● ● ● ● ● ● do? ›

SCP-2521, also known as ●●|●●●●●|●●|●, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Keter class entity currently un-contained by the Foundation due to its capabilities. It is a creature who steals every piece of information about its nature, as long as the information is expressed in textual or verbal form.

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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6101 is too powerful to contain. He is to be left in the care of his family until the next time the Foundation should call upon him for assistance. Description: SCP-6101 is the most powerful SCP.

What is the nicest SCP in the world? ›

SCP-999, The Tickle Monster. It's an orange ooze-creature that's essentially friendliness incarnate. It likes to eat candy and tickle things. Its slime appears to cause euphoria.

What is the rarest type of SCP? ›

Thaumiel. Perhaps the rarest class, Thaumiel SCPs are those which in fact aid in the securing and containment of other SCPs. These SCPs are extremely powerful and very little information is disclosed about them, with most personnel knowing only that they exist.

What is the scariest SCP? ›

Some Of The Most Terrible Things Contained By The Foundation
  • SCP-401, The Palm Tree. A Euclid class entity, this SCP takes the form of a eucalyptus tree made out of human body parts. ...
  • SCP-439, The Bone Hive. ...
  • SCP-354, The Red Pool. ...
  • SCP-1128, The Aquatic Horror. ...
  • SCP-049, The Plague Doctor.
May 21, 2023

What does SCP 666 do? ›

SCP-666 tends to go after insects, other spiders, and even smaller SCPs. If injected with enough of its venom (which is about 2 or 3 bites), is enough to cause you a heart attack. As seen from the case of Dr. BLACKBURN.

Can the SCP Foundation beat Goku? ›

If Goku fights SCP-173, what would happen? Goku would lose. SCP-173 is literally indestructible unless some razor energy, like the spirit bomb vaporizes it. But some people know SCP-173, only a millisecond of losing your eye contact with it will result of it teleporting to you and snapping the base of your neck.

What is the weakest SCP? ›

Scp 939 also known as the thing with many voices is the weakest Scp in the game. The basic pistol can easily kill him.

Who is the biggest enemy of the SCP Foundation? ›

The Global Occult Coalition

Now, the GOC is apart of the United Nations as a secret paramilitary group. Their main goal is to destroy or kill all SCPs or anomalous things. They use special weapons to be able to destroy them. Sometimes, the GOC will destroy an SCP before the Foundation is able to contain them.

Which SCP is Shrek? ›

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-64297 is to be kept in a sealed cell exactly 10 meters wide and 10 meters long. The containment cell should include a lake located in the middle. Description: SCP - 64297 is an entity resembling the well-known DreamWorks character, Shrek.

What is the most deadliest SCP? ›

1. SCP-682 - "The Hard to Destroy Reptile": SCP-682 is an immensely resilient, shape-shifting reptilian creature that is nearly impossible to kill. It has repeatedly demonstrated a hatred for all life and an insatiable desire to escape containment, making it one of the most persistent threats in the Foundation's care.

What is the hardest SCP to beat? ›

SCP-682, also known as the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, is an extremely dangerous Keter-class creature from The SCP Foundation. This creature is one of the few that the Foundation actually wants dead, simply because it wants to kill all life and is incredibly dangerous.

What SCP is unstoppable? ›

SCP-225 - Unstoppable and Immovable.

What SCP is harmless? ›

The answer is none. All SCP's have the potential to be dangerous to people, no matter what class they are. But the ones that represent the least danger to humanity are the neutralized SCP's.

What SCPs are neutralized? ›

Neutralized: Neutralized SCP's are no longer anomalous, either being intentionally/accidentally destroyed or deactivated. Usually meaning that they have died. Examples of Neutralized SCPs are: SCP-1762, SCP-4606, SCP-2912.

What SCP makes you change gender? ›

SCP-113, or the "The Gender-Switcher", is an SCP object that can be encountered in Project Resurrection. It was added in v0. 4.0a.

What happens if you talk about SCP-2521? ›

SCP-2521 cannot be contained due to its properties, with information about it through writing, digital files, and oral communication is strictly forbidden. Due to 2521 being able to be filed easily, pictographs are usable, but they cannot be shared or produced by or with Level 0, 1, 2, or 3 personnel.

What does SCP command do? ›

The scp command copies files or directories between a local and a remote system or between two remote systems. You can use this command from a remote system (after logging in with the ssh command) or from the local system.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.